Angela D. Valentine is the owner and CEO of A. D. Valentine Consulting, LLC. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Grow with Google Partner, specializing in digital skills training for businesses, ministries, educational and community organizations. With a passion for technology and innovation, she offers workshops, webinars, and online classes to help her clients enhance their digital fluency and workplace readiness.
Angela holds a B.A. in Management and Human Relations from Trevecca University and an Executive MBA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her 20-year career at a Fortune 500 telecommunications company spans roles in Human Resources, Training, Global Compliance, and Business Ethics. Now a Business and Workforce Development Consultant, Corporate Trainer, and College Instructor, Angela is a recognized expert in business and professional development training. As a conference speaker and author, she is passionate about sharing her love of technology with people of all ages and backgrounds. Angela is also the Founder of the Academy of Digital Visionaries and Scholars (ADVScholars) who’s mission is to create economic empowerment through the eradication of the Digital Learning Divide.
Angela's ultimate goal is to help others find and walk in their
purpose. One of her favorite quotes by Maya Angelou says
"When you learn, teach. When you get, give." She believes this the fruit of a life well lived and is the truest expression of divine destiny when it brings glory to God. Angela resides in Chicago, Illinois with her husband and son.